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More than just Displays from DEVine
10-28-2012, 12:35 PM (This post was last modified: 10-28-2012 12:36 PM by Devilness Chant.)
Post: #16
RE: Kitty Displays from DEVine
I made an autumn display. This time I left the back off and made it open so pictures can be seen on the auction panels, and cause I liked this one better open. It's 14 prims and has a resizer script in it. The winking pumpkin is the pedigree and is 1prim c/m.
Almost forgot to add, the tree drops a couple particle leaves, and the pumpkins are animated. I hope you like it. Smile
It can be found on my market place for 90L cause they charge a percentage on sales, but you can find it at my shop for 75L in a vendor. Had to get a vendor system cause sl kept messing with the permissions and prices. Evil SL!

[Image: 8131687634_4f6eca9256.jpg]
Autum Display by Devilness Chant, on Flickr

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RE: Kitty Displays from DEVine - devilness chant - 10-28-2012 12:35 PM
Awwww's - Kayleigh McMillan - 12-15-2012, 11:00 AM

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