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A newbie
11-16-2023, 09:13 PM
Post: #1
A newbie
Hello All!

I just got my kitten last night! She's just now 1 day old. Her name is Freya. Her shade is Natural with green eyes and silver whiskers!
I, myself, just started SL last year in March or April. My sibling had an avi she updated for me.
I'm figuring Freya's an older starter model. I ran the upgrade and I've been going through the FAQ, and searching the manual.
There is one thing I haven't found. Freya keeps telling me the food is outdated. I guess the updater doesn't do the food. I bought some new food, but it keeps telling me to put a food bowl down. I tried clicking on the current bowl, but I still get Freya telling me that the food is outdated.
How do I get little Freya some fresh food?

Clover Hollyhock (MidnightHeather)
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A newbie - MidnightHeather Resident - 11-16-2023 09:13 PM
RE: A newbie - FoxieCat Resident - 11-17-2023, 03:11 PM

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