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Oasis Bazaar at CatTales FREE SET UP
05-11-2023, 10:25 AM (This post was last modified: 05-11-2023 10:27 AM by Mirsoul Resident.)
Post: #1
Oasis Bazaar at CatTales FREE SET UP
[Image: 8c881f_39c841c813184442b092a3c4655b36b7~mv2.png]

CatTales is hosting the Oasis Bazaar every 2nd Saturday of the month, immediately after our charity auction.

Bring your kitty gacha's, kitty creations and old boxes that have been collecting dust in your inventory or cattery.

All items priced at 100L or less, spots are free (one spot each please) and you can set up as many items as you have.

Come join the fun at the bazaar!

Owner CatTales KittyCats Market
KittyCats Breeder and Auctioneer
Breed what you love and sell what you can bear to part with
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Oasis Bazaar at CatTales FREE SET UP - Mirsoul Resident - 05-11-2023 10:25 AM

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