since no one swaps with me... >.<; Probably no Bengal Sorell is breeded with yellow eyes like I do... I will breed it other way around now.

I look for Lemon eyes now on one of this listed furs as they are dominant to Bengal Sorell. I want to be able to outbreed them and just have the Bengal Sorell Fur without later hidding surprises inside. They tend to give me trouble at some point.
Gender: MALE!
Following Furs are accepted by me:
Red Tabby
Siamese Seal
Burmese Champagne
Chateau 3 Spot No.1
Silver Tabby
Siamese Blue
Chateau Black+White No.1
Bengal Sorell
Eyes: PERFECT Lemon eyes (Mysterious + Small)
Shade: Glitter, Porcelain or Twinkle
Tail: Any Tail, surprise me!
Ear: Soft Fold, Pointed Soft Fold
Whiskers: Any Whisker, surprise me!
(Cool would be hiding or shown something out of ordinary, other than White + Mysterious or Silver + Guitar, but it is no must.)
P.S: DON'T IM me in-world unless I happen to be ONLINE, because my SL IM's get crapped a lot. I probably don't see you even tried to contact me. Please sent me a NOTECARD in SL or write me a FORUM-PN!
Thank you
Dario Maesar