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FlowerChild Groovy TOY! Ody Collision H: 9T - ONLY L$599! PAIR 9T Tiger Folds!
04-08-2019, 07:49 AM (This post was last modified: 04-13-2019 11:01 PM by MsMagick Resident.)
Post: #1
FlowerChild Groovy TOY! Ody Collision H: 9T - ONLY L$599! PAIR 9T Tiger Folds!
On the Live Pillows here:

♂ 9T M BurmLilac GlxyStr Blsh Chc TigerFold Blk Stby
(OS of a Mega)

♂ 4T+1 M TOY FlowerChild Groovy H: 9T TSnow SPsh Tftd
(Hides: Toyger - Snow, Soul Whisper, Blush, Super Posh, Tufted & Swanky Lite)

♀ 4T F OdyCollision H: Nice 9T!
(Hides: Toyger - Caramel, Galaxy Star, Blush, Super Posh, Tufted, Chocolate Tipped & Swanky Lite)

♀ 9TF St Pats BurLlc GlxyStr Bl Chc TigerFold ChcTpd Stby
(St. Patrick's Day Hat & OS of a Mega)

For All My In World Kitties, see:

* * *
The Magick Cattery

In World Kitties For Sale: http://torgon.info/manage/index.html#!/k...20Resident
MarketPlace: http://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/167189
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FlowerChild Groovy TOY! Ody Collision H: 9T - ONLY L$599! PAIR 9T Tiger Folds! - MsMagick Resident - 04-08-2019 07:49 AM

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