RE: Need information
There are not any boards with the actual copywritten KittyCat images on on but maybe what you mean is the image mode for cats when they are in the box?
All you have to do to get this is click your cat box, get the menu, and click the menu where it says 'Image'. Your little kitten box then changes to image mode and shows a picture of the actual cat you want to sell so I think maybe that might be what you mean for the 'picture'. Torgon's is a great tool for selling kitties and the best profiler for sure. There is an option on there where you can put whatever picture you want on that Torgon's profiler board, but it is more like for your store logo or something cute like this. You could take pictures of your cats and put them on a Torgon's profiler but that would be quite time consuming to do for each one. My suggestion is it is much easier to just set your boxes to show as 'image' then any buyer can TP to your kitty and will see it that way.
Try the way I have mentioned with the box to image mode and see if this is what you are looking for, I think it might be =) If you want to sell live cats you may also put those in a low prim mode using the menu and they look a lot like the boxed kittens, just without the box background and with the text for the stats of the live cat/kitten. Also it has the advantage of having just 1 Land Impact in this mode for live cats.
Hope it helps ^.^