Hello Everyone and a little Help required.
Hello Everyone,
I've recently returned to SL after an 8 year break and have jumped into the wonderful world of Breeding cats (and horses)
I would just like someone to answer a question for me please? I have just bought a kitten and it stats were Burmilla - Choc Silver shaded - the box showed a beautiful dark coloured kitten with white whiskers - but when I came to unbox it out popped a very colourful mix up with all bright colours (please accept my apologies as I'm not clued up to the colours yet)
Is this just a mistake on the breeders part by putting the wrong details on the box or do the kittens details automatically show on the box? I'm really confused.....I was expecting a pretty dark kitten and out popped a carnival of colours lol
Thank you in advance
P.S Ive just noticed that the fur shows this on his pedigree: ApRiliSh nO. 701158542086537321464174680601
Tudor Rose Kittys