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Teacups Extravaganza at Kittycattin'!
07-17-2012, 04:13 PM
Post: #1
Teacups Extravaganza at Kittycattin'!
Ok, well I have two..but both are made of awesome!!!

Fancy a teacup boy kitten and a teacup girl kitten? You do? Well I have just the special babies that you're looking for!

Both these beauties are boxed stand ready for you to take home and breed together to see what you get..( a kettle perhaps?)

Little boy's details:

Fur: Siamese - Seal
Eyes: Shamrock (Shape: Mysterious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Genesis
Ears: Mysterious
Whiskers: Silver (Shape: Guitar)
Size: Teacup Cat

MOM: Georgie
Fur: Siamese - Seal
Eyes: Shamrock (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Genesis
Ears: Genesis
Whiskers: Silver (Shape: Guitar)

DAD: Damon
Fur: Ocicat - Tawny
Eyes: Blacklight (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Genesis
Ears: Curious
Whiskers: Silver (Shape: Mysterious)

Little girl's details:

Fur: American Shorthair - Silver Tabby
Eyes: Genesis Odessey (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Plush
Ears: Genesis
Whiskers: Silver (Shape: Guitar)
Size: Teacup Cat

MOM: Laika
Fur: Abyssinian - Blue
Eyes: Fire (Shape: Mysterious | Pupil: Small)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Plush
Ears: Genesis
Whiskers: Silver (Shape: Mysterious)

DAD: Charlie
hApPy biRtHdaY! - SL9B
Fur: Genesis - Diamond II
Eyes: Genesis Odessey (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Genesis
Ears: Genesis
Whiskers: Silver (Shape: Guitar)

The kittens are L$650 each, and can be viewed on the back wall at ma wee store!

Here's your Taxi; any queries please do not hesitate to IM meSmile


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Teacups Extravaganza at Kittycattin'! - Kitty Otoole - 07-17-2012 04:13 PM

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