Yet you had to put I was causing drama? Apprently you didn't read all of my post because I stated I didn't want to rain on anyone's parade. So before you bath in holy water that you are holier than thou, make sure to read the full post because I stated I was making my opinions on the wait list, yet you had to be a smart @ss so I had to respond back the same way. You get what you initially started.
(10-14-2017 04:51 AM)Arwen Swordthain Wrote: And it was my opinion that this was better dealt with privately but I guess expressing an opinion is only allowed if its the same as yours!
I however did not insult you or call you names as you felt the need to do to me. I did not insult Nino or attack her rules or insult her patrons as you felt the need to do. Fine to express your opinion but you don't need to insult people as you do so!
For the record I have never attended one of Ninos auctions I have met her socially a couple of times and found her to be a warm, open and funny person.