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Secret Smile RFL Auction Sunday June 25 at 10 AM SLT
06-06-2017, 08:42 PM
Post: #1
Secret Smile RFL Auction Sunday June 25 at 10 AM SLT
Secret Smile is hosting an RFL auction on Sunday, June 25th at 10 AM SLT. It will be a multi-auctioneer event with 20 panels and some very special cats have been donated. However, we seek more donations. If you'd like to donate a cat or a few cats for this auction (or for the raffles) please contact either myself or Donna Secret in-world.

Secret Smile's RFL event is a month long affair with a carnival, vendor booths, stores, raffles and more! There will be a formal dance on June 24th and a Pink Floyd tribute concert.

Here's your ride http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Se...20/119/998

~ Nᴀᴠᴀᴀʀ ~
Designer & Owner of Bluefish Bay

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Secret Smile RFL Auction Sunday June 25 at 10 AM SLT - Navaar Resident - 06-06-2017 08:42 PM

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