Ok as one of said persons who has paid for a product, used said product then had it turned off just because I dared to purchase a different product and use it. This is a blatant act of fraud and I have filed charges with LL to this effect. His product is expensive and until there was another option not a sale in sight, his prerogative. However if I bought anything, paid for it and then someone turned it off/took it away is unconscionable. My money was not returned, and no restoration of the product I have paid for ha been made.
Should any of the other people who are in the same position want to file charges against said person as well please contact me and I will walk you through it.
I too have had conversations with both creators. The main difference I found was one wanted to tell people HOW to run their businesses and the other wants to help make a product that fits how WE want to run them. Those that have been around long enough know this is not the first time he has "unplugged" people just because they are not acting the way he wants them to. Will not post years of history here but if you are really interested it is not hard to find out.
How would you like to be walking around and find yourselves naked because you dared to purchase another designer's clothes?