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Petition against kill shelters, please help!
11-08-2016, 07:04 PM
Post: #3
RE: Petition against kill shelters, please help!
Sadly there are still kill shelters in the US what about those too?
each year millions are killed, i used to work in a no kill shelter and it's nearly impossible to not kill unwanted animals, no one person can solve the problem
Spay and neuter programs and education are helpful but still many people
don't get it .

I burnt out after many years of doing that work, it's heart breaking and never ending. Change is slow and people need to change their concept that animals /pets are disposable like everything else.

Sad i have a rescue right now living in my cellar, who needs a home , he was tossed out into the snow last jaunary so that is a year he's been in my cellar all by himself, yeah a step up from living outside in the snow freezing and starving but still a lonely life. We can't keep him i have too many cats already from rescues, you just can't keep them all, and this boy was going to be put to sleep because some idiot tried to pick him and carry him, you can't just pick up a strange stray and think you re not going to get bit. I am still not sure how feral this sweet boy is. So that is another issue, he can't just go to any home, he won't be good with childrent at all since likes love nips......... to give them and sometimes they are not so gentle.

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RE: Petition against kill shelters, please help! - Ivy Lane - 11-08-2016 07:04 PM

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