Auction Wed 6pm SLT with Sanura @ Too Adorable
Sanura is having lots of trouble at the moment and can not access the KittyCatS website so I am posting this for her, either her otr I will be by later to update with more kittehs as well but to get you temped this is what we have so far!!!
Line up includes
Siam Flame Oceania Pointed Soft Fold +2
Burm Plat Purrfect Wild Cherry Soft Fold 2 Tone +2
Russian Black Purrfect Mint Julep +4
Siam Choco Starry Baby Blues +4
Siam Flame Gerb Pink +3
Russian Black Ody Dream Porcelain Rounded +2
? Siamese Lilac Ody Wonder Myst Whisk on the Raffle board!! Only 99L for your chance to win!!
Collars, Vests, Statues from FFL & Top Hats and MUCH MORE!!
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