(07-20-2016 06:51 PM)Ayame Meili Wrote: Hi Maddy and Tiger Lily,
If you want to turn a pose of a kitty bring up the menu, go to Animation then Pose...which will say Pose On if the kitty is posed then select Disable. Your kitty will then flop down and do whatever options you have selected for her to be able to do whether it's roll around or run full speed in circles. 
Hi, Ayame ~ Thank you for responding to my question. Unfortunately, in your answer you mention the "disable" selection.....but there is no such term in the kitty's window when I click on "touch" to bring it up. There is only the box that has "pose" in it and an "on" in that box. I cannot get the "on" removed or replace it with an "off" because there are no designations on the menu for "disable" or "off". Is there something I'm missing here? I appreciate any help you can give me. Thanks, Ayame.