
Words of a proud mentor! And a tribute to my friend!
04-09-2015, 08:58 AM
Words of a proud mentor! And a tribute to my friend!
For Marissa,
It was the year 2013, I was already doing tests in kittens started when I was in my store / cattery (I had the cattery at the store a unique place KatShack simm) when I see Marissa, renting a small shop in front of me. Some live kittens, and some boxes, and a doubt, what the price of these kittens. I approached her to talk and know about it, and know about the kittens. She told me about the kittens were in the store for a while without sales, and she did not want to send them menagerie. I set out to help, bought her kittens, as a way to encourage her to continue on your way KC. Thus surgil a great friendship. Born a mentor, and a pupil. I received daily Marissa in my store, and every day a new tip, a new idea, a new conquest, a new strategy. Marissa was dedicated to learn attentively to every detail, every couple of change of kittens. She accompanied me move my cattery to a new location. And as the strategies worked.
Halloween 2013 we had a fun story. She had a collection of kitten hiding OdyBellini or better. And Grotto eyes, was newly discovered more recessive. His patience must be exhausted, as she send halloween kittens for menagerie, without finishing the tests. So I said to Marissa, send me the kitten, let me test for you. and guess what? There was hiding, Grotto eyes. We laughed a lot. This was a great learning experience. 
So, launched the collection winter 2013 KC. We were many lively, let's buy some kittens collection, and start the test. Let's use our strategies, and all we know, to discover new features.
On December 24, 2013, my first pride as mentor. Marissa discovered a new eyes 'Odyssey Crystal Rose'. Shouted yess! Let's say for everyone. It was a wonderful time. Marissa begins to organize their own cattery, and begins to produce amazing kittens. 
Beginning in 2014 launched the valentines collection, and once again, we buy some kittens collection, prepare our small army of pepper foxsalt. And bingo, Marissa again, discovering a new Odyssey eyes Skyline.
Then things began to change for us in the community, we begin to feel a pursuit, perhaps because of envy. Maybe I had more sense to chase, but unfortunately, those who were next, ended up suffering together. Marissa always close to my side, supporting me. Even in bad times of jealous people, showing her nails for us.
Classes began on KC from dominant / recessive, even secondary market. sales strategies. prices. sales location. disclosure. finance for the company. How do recessive traits reach 9t quickly. Really a complete course. Shortly thereafter, for reasons rl, Marissa had to leave the sl, leaving a big miss in all the friends she made in our community.
So as a Christmas gift, Marissa returns to sl, and, for the KC community in the week of Christmas 2014. We was so happy when we saw oh lord. So much to talk about, so many hugs to give, so much joy in our face. It seemed unreal. But it was true. Marissa was right back. a little more than seven months out of sl, is a lot has changed. Update all news. New kittens for Marissa recompose your cattery. And we will work.
And just like every star that shines brightly, Maressa now has own light. Doing a fantastic job for Pixel Paws. Get to have your contacts, friends, his followers, his own company. And perhaps one of the most difficult decisions was no longer "Marissa Pupil Fabio", now to be "Marissa Cloud" breeder and auctioner.
I am very happy and proud to have been part of all their way and success. Very proud that this last test and stage, you do not back to back, which was to have own light, become 'Marissa Cloud'. As a bird that leaves the nest to fly. I was very happy with the lineup for your patron auction. And how many friends were to support you.
You're a sweet person who works hard, very professional, friend, companion, true, honest, kind, loving, lord I lack words to describe you.
Congratulations on you be this wonderful person!
Even though all the pressures around, and all the trouble that my nearby friends suffer, you went ahead fought and won.
Get your diploma! My best and most dedicated student. No more student. Now, you're 'Marissa Cloud'. With all the honor and praise.
You will always be my friend and always will be in my heart! Never forget told!
Never hear any nonsense of others who want to get away from! You will always be important and special to me.
People think it must choose between "support me" and "support you. ' But this is a lie! Maybe because no one knows our history.
Thank you for everything you taught me. Thank you for all the times we had together.
Forgive me for sometimes be hard on you. Everything was to help you.
Wishing you great success in your new journey! Great achievement!
Always there with open arms for a breaking coffe, as always we used to do!
From: your eternal friend Fabio
Store: TooAdorable
Blog: Mr.Cat - breeding, market and classes
Link: http://mrcat-kitty.blogspot.com.br/
04-09-2015, 10:21 AM
# GOD complex
You are a "god" yes Fabio...as you said from your mouth to me and sadly to others as well... "you made me". *rolls eyes..and hands you a cookie* There is a reason I am no longer associated with your businesses, muted you and unfriended you. Please stop trying to contact me via the forums...this isn't the place for it (little known fact ~ it's public griefing and bullying). You don't control my Second Life...I do. And as for my breeding? I can copy transaction reports for all the starter kitties I personally have purchased from the KC shop. Can also copy the transaction reports from all the kitties I purchased from auctions, all of them not being from YOU. So...I make my own cats, as clearly shown in my pedigrees.
But people know me and will judge me for my actions towards them...because I don't fort myself onto an island, like Jim Jones handing out the "Kool-Aid" in the form of free 9T Foxie Salts. *People, wake up...see whats really going on here*
As Callie says all the time, sort your issues out with people Inworld directly, not on the forum. *tisk tisk*
04-09-2015, 10:25 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-09-2015 10:30 AM by TerrorMisu Resident.)
RE: Words of a proud mentor! And a tribute to my friend!
Wow! WTG Fabio! YOU da man!
I could only dream anyone would write such nice comments about Terror! LOL
Well done!
NEW LISTINGS exclusively on Torgon's WebMarket: https://torgon.info/manage/#!/kccats?own...20Resident
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Thanks given by: | |
04-09-2015, 10:34 AM
RE: Words of a proud mentor! And a tribute to my friend!
Oh My goodness Fabio, this narcisstic view verges on a God Complex. You take credit for "making" her the same way you take credit for "making" me. You put up this post that on the surface appears to be in praise of Marissa but its just in praise of yourself and part of your ongoing attempts to demonize those you cannot control and divide a community. Why cant you Ever just be up front with your motives? Why cant you rely on Truth to support your actions? And for the record, it was not your 'creation marissa' who spent many "coffee breaks" with you, it was 'creation Pretty' who spent many coffee breaks in your home. Perhaps all us 'creations' have started to look alike to you from your Ivory Tower in the celestial kingdom.
SUN 4pm & WED 11am Poison's Paradise
Be The Change You Wish to See in the World (Mahatma Gandhi)
04-09-2015, 10:48 AM
RE: Words of a proud mentor! And a tribute to my friend!
Hi all,
As a company, we strongly encourage our members to treat each other with respect and kindness, and to deal with personal differences privately.
We're closing this thread. Remember, commenting on ideas is ok. Disagreements are ok. Making judgments about people, name calling, and anything rude, is not ok. If you have an issue with someone, then we encourage you to work those things out privately.
Your KittyCatS Team
There's a sucker born every minute, and the stray cats know where we all live!
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