Hi, My name is Lila
In SL I have been a fashion Designer for over 4 years
My SL talents include: building, texturing, modeling,animating ,scripting & photography
I am the creator behind Labels such as:
LYLA Avatars & accessories
DEMONIA avatars
MYRIAD avatars
I specialize in Nails & complete avatars
In RL I Make Soybean Candles
In RL I also LOVE Cats & all animals
I have a african Serval Hybrid F5 Savannah cat named Miyu which is part of a Japanese word meaning "Tenderness" , & she most certainly lives up to her name.
She is very intelligent & so adorable my most special kitty ever, the most wonderful companion that one could ever ask for!
I love Kittycats & I love how they make me appreciate feline cuteness all around,
In SL I own a lot of kitties which I love each & every one so very much that I even find it hard sometimes to part with them.
I am relatively new to kittycats although I've managed to fill up 12 stores inworld in the short time that I have been breeding.
With the help of a wonderful Kittycat friend whom I'll refer to as "V" My Cattery is Now called Mystic Meow, but was formerly Known as Hatties Catties.
Being able to breed Kittycats in SL to me is a very special & joyful experience.
I am very proud to be apart of this wonderful community and am amazed at all of the amazing people it has that I feel I lucky to know & continue to meet.
Thank You KittyCatS for Being so Amazing!