F HeLL-O-Kitteh! - Phantasmagoria Newborn box only
4000 L
M HeLL-O-Kitteh! - Hawt Stuf Newborn box only
450 L
7T M Snowshoe - Lilac w/Grape Ice and Plush tail Bigger da Big
500 L
6T M Bengal - Snow w/Lucky Irish Clover, Shorty tail, and Vampire Ears
450 L
5T M Balinese - Seal Lynx w/Odyssey Rainbow and Mysterious ears
400 L
4T F American Shorthair - Cream Tabby w/Gerbera Orange and Boo Boo Tail
350 L
4T M Russian Blue w/Fire eyes Mega Puss
4,000 L or make an offer
Random pink teacup of
Genesis - Coco II and III many with some retired traits
150 L each
Random blue teacup of
All 9T Balinese - Seal Lynx w/Odyssey Rainbow and various other traits
300 L each