
From a Pet-lover of SL Animals
10-17-2013, 11:39 AM
RE: From a Pet-lover of SL Animals
(10-16-2013 06:16 AM)Kayleigh McMillan Wrote: True Anna 
We can't blame them for not listening to us, luckely.
Eventhough it does not always mean they always implement a suggestion we know they do listen.
What would make sense maybe is that cats which stop to breed automatically become a non transferable pet which does not eat and breed and can't be sold and will not receive updates just as the Firekitty.
I think this would make a huge difference for those who want to keep their kitty because they love it.
And I have to admit they have a freaking cute factor to the max.
Sometimes I have a breeding line I worked on for ages and I can't help myself but keep one of them as a memory.
Every so often I permapet such kitty but this is because I can do that.
For me to think others can't is heartbreaking they are just too cute and if people get really sad I think that price is too high to pay: A sad community member.
The potion can be obtained indeed for the prices they are currently go for if one wants to resell a kitty or wants a kitty to receive updates etc.
This way the business angle with for example LE's is protected and the market will not get stuffed with permapets.
I love the ideas, especially the cheaper no xfer perma option (which would be a HUGE boon to those dealing with exhibits and such of LEs), but honestly I don't want my pets turning into non-updateable perma's automatically. My original two cats are now 759 days old and live (along with a few other treasured pets) on my cattery platform where I can enjoy them. I update them regularly along with the rest of my cats when updates come out.
Kitty Kollege Pawfessor, Kitty Kottage
10-17-2013, 12:20 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-17-2013 12:24 PM by Tad Carlucci.)
RE: From a Pet-lover of SL Animals
Feeding a 121+ day-old cat for 16 months is approximately equal to the Perma-Pet price.
Not feeding 121+ day-old cats for 16 months is a 100% discount on the Perma-Pet price, but you have a cat under a blanket.
So, say I have special collection Halloween cats I want to use each year for a display throughout the month of October. What is the cheapest way to go?
I could Perma-pet, yes.
Or I could not feed them for 10.75 months, pull them out the last week of September, feed them a week (0.25 months) to get them healthy, display them for a month, then send them back to the Alt's no-food cattery for another 10.75 months.
At that rate, my Halloween display cat costs me 1.25 bowls per year, as opposed to 12.
That means it would be cheaper to NOT perma-pet, feeding my Halloween collection display for TWELVE (12) YEARS.
In other words, to save money, I have to Perma-pet them and put them out for THIRTEEN (13) Halloween seasons. If I don't make it to 13, I've wasted money purchasing the Perma-Pet kits.
10-17-2013, 03:02 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-17-2013 03:05 PM by Kayleigh McMillan.)
RE: From a Pet-lover of SL Animals
(10-17-2013 11:39 AM)Liriel Garnet Wrote: I love the ideas, especially the cheaper no xfer perma option (which would be a HUGE boon to those dealing with exhibits and such of LEs), but honestly I don't want my pets turning into non-updateable perma's automatically. My original two cats are now 759 days old and live (along with a few other treasured pets) on my cattery platform where I can enjoy them. I update them regularly along with the rest of my cats when updates come out.
Good point it has it's cons pets which can't be updated I came to this thought since KC considers rightfully it has extra value that permapets can be updated.
But I agree automatically might be not such good idea for those who prefer to buy ½ food to have a cat which can be updated.
(10-17-2013 12:20 PM)Tad Carlucci Wrote: ...
In other words, to save money, I have to Perma-pet them and put them out for THIRTEEN (13) Halloween seasons. If I don't make it to 13, I've wasted money purchasing the Perma-Pet kits.
At this rate it certainly is
![[Image: o5e5bzt]](http://tinyurl.com/o5e5bzt)
Retro Kitties Showroom »
Notorious kitty hoarder ..
My cats rarely leave my cattery.
10-18-2013, 06:22 AM
RE: From a Pet-lover of SL Animals
(10-17-2013 12:20 PM)Tad Carlucci Wrote: ...
In other words, to save money, I have to Perma-pet them and put them out for THIRTEEN (13) Halloween seasons. If I don't make it to 13, I've wasted money purchasing the Perma-Pet kits.
While there may be some truth to that, what about those of us who want to not only display but just have and enjoy our special kitties all year round? After all many of us sees these little ones as extensions of our children, or perhaps children we are unable to have. Many of us probably don't see them as pawns to be used in a display and thus the above calculations would not apply to us. Bottom line, there has to be some happy medium for those of us who would like our forever pets to be running around free with the rest of our cats, they always say that these aren't just "breeadables" so why not come up with a happy medium solution so that our pets can actually be our pets.
Kitty Cats Are Like Potato Chips, You Can Never Have Just One 
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10-18-2013, 06:55 AM
RE: From a Pet-lover of SL Animals
You obviously misunderstood my intent.
In an earlier post in this thread was reference to the fact that feeding a cat for 16 months was cheaper than making it a Pet.
A more-recent previous post made reference to lowering the cost to zero by not feeding them (perhaps by viewing them in the Cattery).
The "happy medium" you're referring to, it seems to me, *IS* my 13-year pay-back where your cats spend most of their time in the Cattery and some of their time in-world. Which, I note, is much longer than Second Life has been around and which, I expect, is longer than many of us expect to be there.
And, let's be honest here, how many of you have actually kept ANYTHING out on display for an entire 16 months? Come on. Admit it. You move, you redecorate, "That Pink and White clashes with the new upholstery but don't I have a Cream Lynx which would be SO CUTE on those shelves?"
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10-18-2013, 08:11 AM
RE: From a Pet-lover of SL Animals
Tad, I think Tatiana is not talking about display cats. Not the cat people rezz to match their store curtains or the one that matches their Halloween costume that day.
Tad, considering any cat can be permapetted, not only the seasonal/LE ones, there's a bunch of other people who are not considered in your solution. For example, I prefer to perma pet the cats I'm more proud of of my breeding effort. I want them out and walking about my garden, I cannot compare that to having them in the cattery for an x amount of months per year, it might be functional and keep the costs low from your point of view but it is not a solution for me considering I want that cat in world for various reasons, yes, vanity is one of them 
I love the idea of a cheaper, non transfer permapet option. I consider it a well thought middle point to what we would like to have and what KittyCats can afford to agree to as a business. I have heard so many friends say they have a very large "waiting for perma" folder in their inventory, this could help them separate the ones they want to perma pet for business or perma pet for personal use. I think it would be also interesting to have the option to turn those non transfer perma pets to transferable with an "add on" potion for the difference cost in case you change your mind down the line.
This would certainly make me consider start collecting KittyCats again. My thanks to Anna for developing the original idea from KCR and for posting it up for all of us to give our opinions on it.
10-18-2013, 11:42 AM
RE: From a Pet-lover of SL Animals
I'm not offering a solution.
I'm simply offering the observations that people tend to redecorate, that food costs can be avoided by keeping unused cats in inventory or in a non-feeding cattery, and that doing so makes the cost of a Perma-Pet kit roughly equal to 13 YEARS of ownership of a non-pet cat.
It's up to you to decide if a payment for 13 years of service is "fair" for a pet.
If you read my posting, I make no judgement (although I'm sure you can sumise my personal feelings on the matter).
So, what would be my solution? Simple. Upon attaining 121 days of age, all cats automatically convert to a transferable, non-breeding cat which no longer eats. To "pet" any cat which is not in the Cattery and did not automatically switch (say, it was in inventory when it became 121) can be converted to a pet simply by running it through the cattery.
I would NOT change the pricing for any cats under 121 days of age.
My feeling is that since we have already paid for 120 days of food, and since the company offers a completely (or nearly) free alternative, there is no rational basis for such an egregious over-charge.
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10-18-2013, 03:20 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-18-2013 03:22 PM by Petronilla Whitfield.)
RE: From a Pet-lover of SL Animals
(10-18-2013 06:55 AM)Tad Carlucci Wrote: You obviously misunderstood my intent.
And, let's be honest here, how many of you have actually kept ANYTHING out on display for an entire 16 months? Come on. Admit it. You move, you redecorate, "That Pink and White clashes with the new upholstery but don't I have a Cream Lynx which would be SO CUTE on those shelves?"
Sixteen months? Ha! My very first SL pet, Boo, a VKC yellow lab, has been continuously out on my property since I brought him home about six years ago. He has been in inventory only when I need to move him someplace too far to walk, and then only the length of time it takes me to teleport and re-rez.
To me, the concept of a *pet* in inventory just doesn't compute. An object, a decoration, a toy? sure. But my pet, I think, is an animal that lives with me--a flesh animal or a virtual animal, either way, a pet lives in my home interacting with me, not hidden away in a box or in an inventory.
I'm not criticizing those who keep kittycats in inventory. I'm just saying that your disbelief than anyone might actually keep a pet rezed in SL for more than sixteen months is ill-founded.
Boo, by the way, is made of old-style prims. Not mesh, not scuplts--prims. But as long as I am in SL, Boo will have a home there too.
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10-21-2013, 06:15 PM
RE: From a Pet-lover of SL Animals
I dunno, I kind of like that the price is so high, because it makes you think 'do I want to keep this kittycat for eternity, is it worth it?' If it isn't then I can send to menagerie for some k$ instead and put it toward the tigers (or perhaps future menagerie-cats). If the price is less, yeah I might go 'meh, it's not so much, I can just perma them' and then end up with less k$ and an inventory full of kittycats (cuz I dun have indifinite prim-allowance on my land, and I only use cattery for boxes), and then lets say they go with the whole 'no trans, no updates and so on' to make the permapet cheaper and this suuuuuuuper cute new interaction comes. Imagine if you had permapetted your kittycat with this potion before we got the famous walk that everyone loves today? You would not be able to walk that cat like the others, and that would in turn go into 'I like this newer cat much more cuz I can walk it' and then it's a waste of money anyway, cuz you spent it on permapetting the cat you don't fancy anymore, since you can't do the new cute interactions.
No... I like the level it's at now, imho, it's perfect as it is
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10-22-2013, 09:36 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-22-2013 09:37 AM by Kayleigh McMillan.)
RE: From a Pet-lover of SL Animals
Frankly I do not understand why Permapet isn't more affordable as I indeed suspect it would generate more income from this potion alone for KC.
And the server space they take in inventory or as permapet is the same.
This is the reason I think they prefer for us to have eaters rezzed instead of permapets.
That's also why I think they prefer us to have sick cats in inventory or in an alt's account under a blanket over permapetting them and have them rezzed and taking prims.
Not all of us use the Online Cattery so prim cost effectiveness helps them to accomodate more food and milk income via our cattery's available prims.
I think that is why the permapet potion has such a discouraging price.
Love 10 for example is priced 280L to not make it sound like 300L and with food and milk the same thing.
Permapet though is one of the only potions which flat out has a high and unattractive price 1500L and 1800L I sense discouragement to buy it in this.
Even calculating a retired pet eating for ½ the amount of food and do the math on that (basically Tad's department) can lead to no other conclusion in my honest opinion that Permapet is one of those potions they prefer us not to buy in high quantities.
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Retro Kitties Showroom »
Notorious kitty hoarder ..
My cats rarely leave my cattery.
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