
07-23-2013, 05:57 AM
yes its me again with a new question as i am new and still learning. how do know how many traits a kitty has? im breeding and trying to breed special ones. even though they are all special to me ty
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07-23-2013, 07:40 AM
RE: Traits
Hi Starr,
Anything that is not genesis or starter trait is considered a "desirable" trait.
Cats have a total of 9T that can be bred for (size doesn't count).
All that is not :
Fur : Genesis (Coco, Diamond, Domino, Flame, Smokey I-II-III)
Eye : Genesis (Earth, Meadow, Odessey, Sunshine, Water)
Shape : Curious
Pupil : Big
Shade : Natural
Tail : Genesis
Ears : Genesis
Whiskers : Silver
Shape : Guitar
Is per see, considered a "desirable" trait.
07-23-2013, 11:37 AM
RE: Traits
hi starr,
i'll add to what CuriousKitty said in saying that when you buy a Kitty from our store, it comes with 9 traits already!!  now, these are randomly given from the "Genesis" family.
And the above comments says what those are  so your cat has 9 traits to start with, and many people enjoy the challenge and fun and game of changing those original slots to other things!
There are over 45 million combinations possible!!! So have fun!
please also post some pictures of your cuties in our flickr group as we love to see them!
07-23-2013, 04:44 PM
RE: Traits
Sure, the official point of view is that every cat has nine traits.
Well, yes. That's why, at least to myself, I call them "trait values". Fur is a trait. Genesis Coco is a Fur Trait Value, as is Russian White.
Most people don't differentiate, though. Most often, when someone says "This is a six-trait cat," they do NOT mean it omits three traits. What they mean is the values for those three traits are not "generic" .. that is, they have a trait value which, by community consensus, we don't count.
So, we .. not the KittyCatS! people, but the community, classify trait values.
"Genesis Coco" we classify as "not a trait"
"Russian White" we classify as "a trait". We (and, usually, the company) also classify "Russian White" as "retired" since it's no longer given out in starters.
"Starry Starry Night Silver & Blue Stars" we classify as a "special collection trait" because it was a fur trait value (it's a fur trait, so the company counts it) which we could see, in world, but which did not represent the genetic material .. it could not be passed and was only available if you obtained one of the starters which showed it.
So, my cat, Felix, like all cats, has nine traits.
But, if I'm counting what you see, (in world, on the Pedigree page, on the Cattery page) he has eight.
And, if I'm counting what he "shows" .. which is what MOST people mean when they give a count, he has zero .. none at all!
But, if I'm counting what he "hides" .. well, I don't really know .. but I know he MUST hide at least six (countable) traits.
I guess you could say Felix is "No Trait" cat, showing 8 special collection traits, and hiding 6 or more desirable traits.
Are we having fun, yet?
07-24-2013, 01:11 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-24-2013 01:13 AM by Nocshadue Balbozar.)
RE: Traits
In general, Starter..or Genesis traits are not counted as a trait. Though they do pass to kittens, but if they counted as a trait..then every single cat would be a nine trait cat. So here is a break down of traits that most people seem to agree with.
Personally, I only "count" what is shown. You may see boxes named something like Bali Seal 7T+2, meaning the cat is showing 7 traits and the pedigree will show it has to hide the other 2. I figure, people can look at a pedigree and see that for themselves.
Fur: Anything with Genesis in front of it is not a trait. So..Smokey, Smokey II, Flame, Flame II, Coco, Coco II, Domino, Domino II, Diamond, Diamond II, etc.. furs don't count as a trait. Any other fur does count.
Eye Color: Anything with Genesis in front of it is not a trait. So.. (Genesis)Sunshine, Earth, Meadow, Water, Odyssey..are not traits. Any other eye color is a trait.
Eye Shape: Curious eye shape is not a trait. Mysterious eye shape is a trait.
Pupil: Big pupil is not a trait. Small pupil is a trait.
Shade: Natural is not a trait. Any other shade is a trait.
Ears: Genesis ears are not a trait. Any other ear shape is a trait.
Tail: Genesis tail is not a trait. Any other tail shape is a trait.
Whisker Shape: Guitar is not a trait. Any other shape is a trait.
Whisker Color: Silver is not a trait. Any other color is a trait.
Size is not counted as a trait and you can't breed for it, but sizes other than normal are a bit more desirable when it comes to market and collection value.
Nacht's Landing
ScratchN Shop
07-24-2013, 12:44 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-24-2013 12:53 PM by Kayleigh McMillan.)
RE: Traits
What ever and how ever we value traits or non traits or genesis traits or valuable traits or non desirable traits.
Ever noticed how cute the mysterious eyeshape with the "non desirable" big pupil trait is?
I for one love my genesis traits I like to hide things behind them :-)
Just today someone asked me, when I was by my kitty shop, if I had a Russian Blue with Genesis Sunshine eyes because that is how her real life cat looks and she wanted to reproduce her real cat.
I think for her Genesis Sunshine was a very desirable trait so it is also a matter of perspective I think.
Sadly best I had was a Russian Blue with Key Lime Eyes with the wrong gender so I couldn't help her.
Above all I wish you fun and welcome to KittyCats
![[Image: o5e5bzt]](http://tinyurl.com/o5e5bzt)
Retro Kitties Showroom ยป
Notorious kitty hoarder ..
My cats rarely leave my cattery.
07-26-2013, 04:55 PM
RE: Traits
(07-24-2013 12:44 PM)Kayleigh McMillan Wrote:
Ever noticed how cute the mysterious eyeshape with the "non desirable" big pupil trait is?
Yep, I'm holding paws with Kayleigh on this one.
Whoever decided small pupils should be a more valuable trait over
the big pupil got it backwards as far as I'm concerned.
That factor alone got me away from 9 trait snootery.
Gimme some big pupil 18k eyes on a decent fur,
and Im good to go.
![[Image: DERKITTEHMILLlogosmallest.jpg]](http://i456.photobucket.com/albums/qq290/theynine/KittyCats/DERKITTEHMILLlogosmallest.jpg)
Soylent Green is KitteH!
07-28-2013, 10:47 PM
RE: Traits
I have been saying this far ages. There are different traits I prefer for certain furs and projects and sometimes that means a so called "undesirable" genesis trait. I am partial to Mysterious eye shape Big Pupil and Normal shade so typically I will max my cats out at 7 traits because it is what I like best.
KittyCatS lover and LazyCats auctioneer.
08-02-2013, 09:51 AM
RE: Traits
What I find disturbing is people using the term "better" when stating what a kitten may be hiding. For an example: kitten is showing Burmese - Blue, so therefore it's starter parent could be hiding either Burmese - Blue or better. Why is the more recessive a fur is, the better it is??
08-03-2013, 01:18 AM
RE: Traits
Because we're lazy and it's a lot fewer characters to type "or better" than "or more recessive".
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