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Two Suggestions
11-30-2012, 09:36 AM
Post: #1
Lightbulb Two Suggestions
1) Automatically unpartner cats when one is sent to menagerie, and if you wanna be real nice..ages out. I oopsied and did this the other day when a girl aged out before she boxed. I was trying to squeeze in one at the very last minute and failed. Then.. I sent her to Boca before I got a breakup drink. Now my boy is stuck for 11 days at 100% love and can't do nuttin. At least please add a big red letter warning pop up when we menagerie a cat that is still partnered.

2) Additional text line option. You know how you have that second line in most forms for apt numbers etc? Why not add one the the hover text/stats on cats for optional text..like a second name field where we could note.."pair with Ralph" or "hides black whiskers" or something? Would make my life easier =op


Nacht's Landing
ScratchN Shop
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 Thanks given by: Revanna Mistwallow , fleakats Resident , Dimpz Morane , Kayleigh McMillan
11-30-2012, 11:00 AM
Post: #2
RE: Two Suggestions
BUMP! Love both of these ideas as I've often considered these myself. Thanks for posting.
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