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Lament of the Cream Tabby
09-25-2012, 12:17 AM (This post was last modified: 09-25-2012 12:18 AM by Nocshadue Balbozar.)
Post: #11
RE: Lament of the Cream Tabby
I agree Callie..I just had to do the song for my beloved cream tabbies sitting unnoticed at markets =op

I say, breed whatever furs you really love..and if the market drops on them..and you still want to sell some..just breed in the latest trait to that fur. Now..a cream tabby with lemon eyes, or the new ody burst, and maybe ody 1 ears, fussy tail and twinkle..that would be goreous.

I do think also that it's so much better to let a kitty retire to Menagarie rather than sit unsold..I do kinda think that bothers them somehow..maybe cuz it would bother me lol "what?? no bids?? pfft!" =op


Nacht's Landing
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 Thanks given by: Mirsoul Resident
09-25-2012, 02:16 AM
Post: #12
RE: Lament of the Cream Tabby
(09-24-2012 05:35 PM)Wyndy Paine Wrote:  I know! and *that* is why I can't go to auctions, I hate to see a pretty kitty who's not "on trend" go home feeling unwanted!

IKR, esp when you see an excellently bred specimen - even with very recessive traits - going almost unnoticed while some trendy random cat with whatever is new drives people nuts with bidding (only to learn that fashion had moved on a month later. Smile)

This is what I find dangerous about auctions, there are too many to skim the really exceptional cats as a kind of breeders' showcase and those cats being a no sale get stigmatized as "not coveted" and vice versa, 2 people going nuts over something lead to the conclusion, some trait is highly desirable.

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 Thanks given by: Sara Franco
09-25-2012, 11:57 AM (This post was last modified: 09-25-2012 11:57 AM by Mirsoul Resident.)
Post: #13
RE: Lament of the Cream Tabby
I love my cream tabbies, and have in my inventory 2 boxes (a male and female) from my original pair. I will hang onto them for a while longer and then bust them out and put some new traits on them to once again be able to keep a pair Big Grin

For me, it's not always about the selling. but about putting new traits on an old favorite Big Grin
I love my cream tabbies, and have in my inventory 2 boxes (a male and female) from my original pair. I will hang onto them for a while longer and then bust them out and put some new traits on them to once again be able to keep a pair Big Grin

For me, it's not always about the selling. but about putting new traits on an old favorite Big Grin
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09-26-2012, 05:24 PM
Post: #14
RE: Lament of the Cream Tabby
As the KittyCats market matures, I think we are going to see some furs, eyes and other traits on the brink of extinction. And then someone is going to say, "Wait. What happened to all the snowshoe lilacs" or blacklight eyes, or cream tabbies. And the word will get out that they have become quite rare ... and then those folks who have trait-bombed 'em out will make bank.

At least in a perfect world, that will happen Smile

Heart Coriander Co-Op, our cute little store at Too Adorable! Heart
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 Thanks given by: Sara Franco , Bea Shamrock
09-26-2012, 10:49 PM
Post: #15
RE: Lament of the Cream Tabby
(09-24-2012 08:38 PM)Callie Cline Wrote:  here's the upside... Smile

each person loves SOME BREED.... AND... it's normal for our tastes to change, and be different Smile

i don't think the cats take it personal Tongue they KNOW you would keep them ALL if you could... and they understand that some love apples, some oranges Smile and THEY want YOU to be Happy!!!!

so don't fret or worry... someone loves a fur you may not like that much just like some people LOVE LOVE LOVE onions and others (like me) don't!!!

ok maybe that's a bad analogy, but it's OK to have your favorites AND... change your minds!!!

(personally i go back and forth an appreciate different "traits" at different times.

enjoy all!

Well said Callie.. I too go back and forth from fur to fur.. Love them all.. Even the Genesis coats.. It does the heart good to cam into each kitty you have.. at least a couple of times a week.. just to see how cute they are.. BTW.. You can send me a bag of ONIONS.. I LOVE them Smile

Hugs, HamiltonBlush
GumbycatHaven~ GumbyBlog
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09-27-2012, 09:04 PM
Post: #16
RE: Lament of the Cream Tabby
Actually I've noticed a surge in those who are finding love for the Moo Kitteh lately, so I would guess there is hope for the other furs and traits as well.

Heart KittyCatS lover and LazyCats auctioneer. Heart
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09-28-2012, 01:40 AM
Post: #17
RE: Lament of the Cream Tabby
The pink and white chateaus will always be my true loves Heart

Perhaps I will pen an ode to them as well Tongue lol

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09-28-2012, 09:40 AM (This post was last modified: 09-28-2012 09:42 AM by Malicia Python.)
Post: #18
RE: Lament of the Cream Tabby
(09-28-2012 01:40 AM)Melanie774 Kidd Wrote:  The pink and white chateaus will always be my true loves Heart

Perhaps I will pen an ode to them as well Tongue lol

Damn, what rhymes with "sorell"?

Oh I got it:
You fancy breeds can to to hell,
I will always love a cute sorell.

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10-04-2012, 10:07 AM
Post: #19
RE: Lament of the Cream Tabby
I personally sit at auctions and think...do these people NOT know about this breed and what it can do...each breed is special in their own way but in my mind I see each breed as a much needed part of a cattery...not to push the issues I suppose but those older breeds/retired furs etc....are worth hanging on to <glimpses in my cattery of boxes> yup worth hanging on to!
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10-04-2012, 10:21 AM
Post: #20
RE: Lament of the Cream Tabby
(09-28-2012 09:40 AM)Malicia Python Wrote:  Damn, what rhymes with "sorell"?

Oh I got it:
You fancy breeds can to to hell,
I will always love a cute sorell.

LOLZ and I agree The Sorell is awesome!

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