Thank you so much for the birthday kitties , which are even more beautiful than usual , I have always been more of a loner and when I found sl I spent alot of time exploring peoples creations , which truelly kept me very entertained . That was until one day I got a free birthday kitty a few years ago , and once it was birthed I was truelly amazed at the sheer perfection of it , I was hooked and got completely addicted to them , I joined the community and was overwhelmed by how truelly lovely and helpfull everybody was in it , I made amazing friends , we shared our kitty stories and our life ones , and I was not alone anymore and I still spend most of my time just sitting and watching my amazing kitties play and always see something new . Thank you so much Callie for your wonderful creations , thank you all the kittycats addicts team for always being kind and helpfull , and thank you Kittycats community for making me feel at home , A very Happy Birthday wish and a lovely year further is what I wish for you and us all , Much Love x