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All about Confetti kittens: 8 total colors found! update
01-10-2016, 01:49 PM
Post: #101
RE: All about Confetti kittens: 8 total colors found! update
Pink Looks to be Dom to Lime!

[Image: 8605fd78a194a01a5bf5318cf4255772.png]

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10-02-2016, 09:55 AM
Post: #102
RE: All about Confetti kittens: 8 total colors found! update
Sorry if this has been proven on this thread already I confess to only looking at Saga and cross posting on the AppleBerry thread before adding here.

GrapeBerry is RECESSIVE to AppleBerry

Arwens Confetti boy came from full Siblings Ashes and Zepu
Ashes shows Orange and Zepu CocoBerry

[Image: 3c6b5f51fe3b9970e48e1f2a5824f7b4.png]

Arwens confetti boy must hide Orange or Ashes hidden which is Grapeberry. Proof both Ashes & Zepu hide Grapeberry is below. They have same parents so we are looking at just 2 colours one from Marge and one from Homer. Ashes shows the Orange they had a GrapeBerry baby so both hide Grape.

[Image: cd0737a2a2ee2939bfa2e79bc5a008dd.png]

Arwens confetti boy the bred with Charm No8, an AppleBerry twice, the first baby produced an AppleBerry, the second a GrapeBerry. Since Arwens Confetti boy hides Orange which is known dominant to Apple or Grape we can conclude he does indeed hide Grape and therefore GrapeBerry is Recessive to Appleberry as the first baby was an AppleBerry.

Baby no1
[Image: 67d5571730cc76f0d058e815f71a6eef.png]

Baby No2
[Image: 1e14efd64df40aa619f09a5987a547ed.png]

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01-15-2017, 04:15 AM (This post was last modified: 01-21-2017 12:18 PM by Kayla Woodrunner.)
Post: #103
RE: All about Confetti kittens: 8 total colors found! update
I am reposting this here - since it is actually a multiple berry thing but switching things up a bit. Looks Ivy is right and most of them are placed.

Ivy Lane also made this handy chart of where things are at
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4185]

I'm also going to try something and somebody tell me if my logic is lacking. I am going to treat this like algebra where you have some info and some is missing.

Okay so let's just look at Blueberry

Blueberry is complete

forum 1/2/17 Blueberry dom to Appleberry
Saga, no update hist Blueberry dom to Grapeberry (ns)
forum 1/2/17 Blueberry dom to Grapeberry
saga 11/1/2015 Blueberry dom to Plumberry
forum 1/2/17 Blueberry dom to Plumberry
forum 1/16/17 Blueberry dom to Orangeberry

Blueberry dom to Appleberry
Blueberry dome to Grapeberry (ns)
Blueberry dome to Plumberry
Blueberry dome to Plumberry

So to add some more eyes that blueberry is dominant to, I am going to use the following algebra logic
if x dom to y and y dom to z, then x is dom to z

Blueberry is dom to Appleberry so it has to be dom to anything Appleberry is dom to
Blueberry dom to Appleberry dom to Tealberry
So Blueberry is dom to Tealberry

Blueberry is dom to Grapeberry so it has to be dom to anything Grapeberry is dom to
Blueberry dom to GrapeBerry dom to Pinkberry
So Blueberry is dom to Pinkberry

Blueberry is dom to Plumberry so it has to be dom to anything Plumberry is dom to
Blueberry is dom to Plumberry dom Cherryberry
Blueberry is dom to Plumberry dom Limeberry
So Blueberry is dom to CherryBerry and Limeberry

Since Blueberry is dom to Plumberry which is dom to Cherryberry which is dom to Lemonberry
Blueberry is dom to Lemonberry

Blueberry is dom to Orangeberry

So checking against a list of all eyes to see what is missing.

done dom to appleberry
done dom to cherryberry
done dom to grapeberry
done dom to lemonberry
done dom to limeberry
done dom to orangeberry
done dom to pinkberry
done dom to plumberry
done dom to tealberry

Blueberry dom to appleberry, cherryberry, grapeberry, lemonberry, limeberry, pinkberry, plumberry, tealberry

Blueberry is dom to all eyes except Cocoberry, the genesis berry.
Blueberry is complete

going in order of Ivy's chart. next would be Plumberry

forum 1/2/17 Plumberry dom Appleberry (also posted earlier on another thread)
forum 1/17/17 Plumberry rec Blueberry (also posted earlier on another thread)
Saga 10/11/15 Plumberry dom Cherryberry
Saga 7/16/16 Plumberry dom Grapeberry
Saga, no update hist Plumberry dom Limeberry
Saga 7/16/16 Plumberry dom Pinkberry
Forum 1/16/17 Plumberry dom Pinkberry
Saga 11/1/15 Plumberry dom to Tealberry
Forum 1/17/17 Plumberry dom to Tealberry

Plumberry recessive to Blueberry

Plumberry is dom to these so will be dom to anything they are proven dom to
Plumberry dom to Appleberry dom to Tealberry
Plumberry dom to Cherryberry dom to Lemonberry, Limeberry, Tealberry
Plumberry dom Grapeberry dom to Pinkberry
Plumberry dom Limeberry
Plumberry dom Pinkberry dom to Limeberry
Plumberry dom to Tealberry dom to Limeberry

check rec to blueberry
check dom to appleberry
check dom to cherryberry
check dom to grapeberry
check dom to lemonberry
check dom to limeberry
---no info -- to orangeberry
check dom to pinkberry
check dom to tealberry

Plumberry rec to blueberry
Plumberry dom to appleberry, cherryberry, grapeberry, lemonberry, limeberry, pinkberry, tealberry

need a proof against Orangeberry


forum 12/30/16 Orangeberry dom to Appleberry
forum 1/27/16 Orangeberry dom to cherryberry
forum 5/12/16 Orangeberry dom to Grapeberry
Saga 1/29/16 Orangeberry dom to Tealberry
forum 1/16/17 Orangeberry dom to Tealberry
forum 1/16/17 Orangeberry rec to Blueberry

Orangeberry dom to Appleberry dom to Tealberry
Orangeberry dom to Cherryberry dom to Lemonberry, Limeberry, Tealberry
Orangeberry dom Grapeberry dom to Pinkberry
Orangeberry dom to Tealberry dom to Limeberry

rec to blueberry
done dom to appleberry
done dom to cherryberry
done dom to grapeberry
done dom to lemonberry
done dom to limeberry
done dom to pinkberry
---no info --plumberry
done dom to tealberry

Orangeberry rec to Blueberry
Orangeberry dom to Appleberry, cherryberry, grapeberry, lemonberry, limeberry, pinkberry, tealberry

need a proof against Plumberry


forum 1/27/16 Cherryberry rec to Orangeberrry
Saga 10/11/15 CherryBerry rec PlumBerry
forum 2/6/16 Cherryberry dom to Lemonberry
Saga 4/1/16 Cherryberry dom Limeberry
forum 1/2/17 Cherryberry dom Limeberry
Saga 11/29/15 Cherryberry dom to Tealberry
Saga 1/4/17 Cherryberry dom to Appleberry

Cherryberry rec to Orangeberrry
CherryBerry rec PlumBerry rec to Blueberry

Cherryberry dom to Appleberry dom to grapeberry, limeberry, pinkberry , tealberry
Cherryberry dom to Lemonberry dom to Grapeberry, Tealberry
Cherryberry dom Limeberry
Cherryberry dom to Tealberry dom to Limeberry

done rec to blueberry
done rec to orangeberry
done rec to plumberry
done dom to appleberry
done dom to Lemonberry
done dom to grapeberry
done dom to limeberry
done dom to pinkberry
done dom to tealberry

Cherryberry rec to blueberry, orangeberry, plumberry
Cherryberry dom to lemonberry, grapeberry, limeberry, tealberry, appleberry, pinkberry


forum Appleberry rec to Blueberry
forum Appleberry rec to Orangeberry
forum Appleberry rec to Plumberry
Saga 12/14/16 Appleberry Dom to Grapeberry
Saga 7/16/16 Appleberry Dom to Tealberry
Saga 1/4/17 Appleberry rec to Cherryberry
forum 1/17/17 Appleberry dom to Lemonberry

here we are building up some recessives to so if they are recessive to anything, they would add to Appleberry recessive to
Appleberry rec to Blueberry
Appleberry rec to Orangeberry
Appleberry rec to Plumberry rec to Blueberry
Appleberry rec to Cherryberry rec to blueberry, orangeberry, plumberry

back to doms
Appleberry Dom to Grapeberry dom to Pinkberry
Appleberry Dom to Tealberry dom to Limeberry

done rec to blueberry
done rec to orangeberry
done rec to plumberry
rec to cherryberry
done dom to grapeberry
done dom to lemonberry
done dom to limeberry
done dom to pinkberry
done dom to tealberry

Appleberry rec to blueberry, orangeberry, plumberry
Appleberry dom to grapeberry, limeberry, pinkberry , tealberry, lemonberry


forum Lemonberry rec to CherryBerry
Saga 7/11/16 LemonBerry dom to Grapeberry
Saga 11/1/16 Lemonberry dom to Tealberry
Forum 1/1717 Lemonberry rec to Appleberry

Lemonberry rec to CherryBerry rec to Orangeberry, Plumberry
Plumberry rec to Blueberry

LemonBerry dom to Grapeberry dom to Pinkberry, Limeberry
Lemonberry dom to Tealberry dom to Limeberry

done rec to blueberry
done rec to orangeberry
done rec to plumberry
done rec to cherryberry
done rec to appleberry
done dom grapeberry
done dom to limeberry
done dom to pinkberry
done dom to tealberry

Lemonberry rec to blueberry, orangeberry, plumberry, cherryberry, appleberry
Lemonberry dom to grapeberry, limeberry, pinkberry, tealberry


Saga 12/14/16 Grapeberry rec to Appleberry
Saga, no update hist Grapeberry rec to Blueberry
Saga 7/11/16 GrapeBerry rec to LemonBerry
Saga 7/16/16 GrapeBerry rec to PlumBerry
forum Grapeberry rec to Orangeberry
Saga 11/23/16 GrapeBerry dom to Pinkberry

Grapeberry rec to Appleberry rec to Blueberry, Orangeberry, Plumberry
Grapeberry rec to Blueberry
GrapeBerry rec to LemonBerry rec to Cherryberry
GrapeBerry rec to PlumBerry rec to Blueberry
Grapeberry rec to Orangeberry

GrapeBerry dom to Pinkberry dom to Limeberry

done rec to blueberry
done rec to orangeberry
done rec to plumberry
done rec to appleberry
done rec to cherryberry
done rec to lemonberry
done dom to limeberry
done dom to pinkberry
--no info -- to tealberry

Grapeberry rec to blueberry, orangeberry, plumberry, appleberry, cherryberry, lemonberry
Grapeberry dom to limeberry, pinkberry


Saga 7/16/16 Tealberry rec to Appleberry
Saga 11/29/15 Tealberry rec to Cherryberry
Saga 11/1/16 Tealberry rec to Lemonberry
Saga 1/29/16 Tealberry rec Orangeberry
Saga 11/1/15 Tealberry rec Plumberry
Saga 5/12/16 Tealberry dom Limeberry

Tealberry rec to Appleberry rec to Blueberry, Orangeberry, Plumberry
Tealberry rec to Cherryberry rec Orangeberry, Plumberry, Blueberry
Tealberry rec to Lemonberry rec to Blueberry, Orangeberry, Plumberry, Cherryberry
Tealberry rec Orangeberry
Tealberry rec Plumberry rec to Blueberry

Tealberry dom Limeberry

done rec to blueberry
done rec to orangeberry
done rec to plumberry
done rec to cherryberry
done rec to appleberry
done rec to lemonberry
--no info -- to grapeberry
--no info -- to pinkberry
done dom to limeberry

Tealberry rec to blueberry, orangeberry, plumberry, cherryberry, appleberry, lemonberry
Tealberry dom to limeberry


Saga 7/16/16 PinkBerry rec PlumBerry
Saga 11/23/16 PinkBerry rec GrapeBerry
forum Pinkberry dom Limeberry

PinkBerry rec PlumBerry rec to Blueberry
PinkBerry rec GrapeBerry rec to blueberry, orangeberry, plumberry, appleberry, cherryberry, lemonberry

Pinkberry dom Limeberry

done rec to blueberry
done rec to orangeberry
done rec to plumberry
done rec to cherryberry
done rec to appleberry
done rec to lemonberry
done rec to grapeberry
--no info -- tealberry
done dom to limeberry

Pinkberry rec to blueberry, orangeberry, plumberry, cherryberry, appleberry, lemonberry, grapeberry
Pinkberry dom to limeberry


Saga 4/1/16 Limeberry rec Cherryberry
forum LimeBerry rec PinkBerry
Saga, no update hist LimeBerry rec PlumBerry
Saga 5/12/16 LimeBerry rec TealBerry

Limeberry rec Cherryberry rec blueberry, orangeberry, plumberry
LimeBerry rec PinkBerry rec to blueberry, orangeberry, plumberry, cherryberry, appleberry, lemonberry, grapeberry
LimeBerry rec PlumBerry rec to blueberry
LimeBerry rec TealBerry rec to blueberry, orangeberry, plumberry, cherryberry, appleberry, lemonberry

done rec to blueberry
done rec to orangeberry
done rec to plumberry
done rec to cherryberry
done rec to appleberry
done rec to lemonberry
done rec to grapeberry
done rec to pinkberry
done rec to tealberry

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