Foxie Red Mask is narrowed: now showing between Russian White and Maine Coon Plush Calico Washed according to Saga's charts as of 8/15/15
Russian White (Retired) *
Chat. Tawny & White 1 also needs to be defined
Abyssinian Blue
Burmese Platinum *
Siamese Chocolate (Retired) *
Snowshoe Bluepoint *
Main Coon Plush Calico Washed
ok, so I dug through my matches of foxie argyle and foxie redmask -- I did mate them twice and both times,it turns out their hidden was the hidden so it was no help in gaining info on argyle or red mask, argggh.
So I've decided to birth a Burmese Platinum because it's right in the middle of the range plus I like the Burmese furs. I am telling you my intention so I don't forget. Here is the Burmese Platinum I birthed today to match against my Foxie Redmasks. (Her parents are 360 days old so the were from my breeding back then so her traits are not great but she is cute. Here is his stats (in 14 days, I'll give you the stats of the girlfriend
? CeliaOswald
Open Notes
Fur: Burmese - Platinum
Eyes: Gerbera Blue (Mysterious|Small)
Shade: Porcelain
Tail: Frisky
Ears: Pointed Soft Fold
Whiskers: 2 Tone Black & White (Plush)
Size: Normal