Hi everyone!!
It's time for "out with the old, in with the new!'. We have fully restocked the store, and there are some great deals on cute toy, teacup, and petites on the shelf, as well as a few free 9T kitties hidden, and bargains under 50L.
As always, many 8 and 9T cats are on the lower traited boards, so it pays to look around at everything! Also, while the breeding pairs aren't for sale, most have their 9T kittens displayed behind them. If something in the shop isn't marked and you want to buy it, just IM (guenevere. amaranth) and I will come fix that!!
I've started a new "Kitten Of The Week" feature, where I find a KittyCat I think is especially lovely and deserves a special home, and try to find one for it!

I will replace with a new one as soon as the old one sells.
This week, I have:
? 9T Pandie Platinum Odyssey Crystal Rose
Fur: Pandie - Platinum
Eyes: Odyssey Crystal Rose (Shape: Mysterious | Pupil: Small)
Shade: Glitter
Tail: Curious
Ears: Rounded
Whiskers: 2 Tone Black & White (Shape: Plush)
Size: Normal
She is just lovely, and you want to add her to her collection, for under 300L!
Come up and see me!! *hugs*
*~ Guen