(01-08-2014 01:06 PM)SaraJane Jacobus Wrote: Say I have cats on milk for five days. So they are approx 71%. But the milk runs out and I can't get more. So for the next two days I make sure to snuggle them. Do they still end up all loved at the end of 7 days? Or do they need the same bonus the whole time for it to work?
As long as you snuggled them enough that the buff never turned off, they will be at 100% Love at the end of seven days. When the buff is active, the Happiness smileyface is opaque; if it's not active, it's hollow.
Kitten Longmeadow suggests thinking of the buff as a gas tank which can be filled with milk or snuggling. The milk and the snuggling don't overlap, but they can share the tank. If the tank is empty, the buff turns off until more is put in the tank.