I've been working on Foxies with fluffy tail and foxie ears. Eyes and whiskers depend on the fur color. My reds are done. I've been getting this pretty consistently.
My cocoa is maybe done. I had a fluffy foxie boy for ages but finally just made a girl and the boy is at 105 days so hoping he and the girl makes a boy before he passes
I am also currently working on chestnuts but they are not quite done. I have lush instead of fluffy tails so am debating as lush works as a foxes tail too but has issues with a couple poses. Eyes are good. Ears are not foxie yet. This one is in the stir the pot phase.
fyi, I prefer curious small to mysterious small. But the mysterious small on the reds look more like curious small so it's ok. I also like mysterious big. Both mysterious/big and curious/small are more "artistic" as they are the eyes you most often see in paintings, drawings and photographs. I don't breed for mysterious/small as they look like snake eyes on most kc eye colors and I hate snakes.