
10-03-2013, 11:08 AM
KittyCats & InWorldz?
Hello all  I was wondering if the wonderful, talented people behind KittyCats can say if they will bring KittyCats to InWorldz sometime? It would be great if we could transfer our cats from Second Life to InWorldz via the cattery, with a dock to InWorldz. I love my KittyCats but Second Life is the only place that has them.
And, with the latest TOS outrage, the KittyCats business may want to expand into another world.
10-03-2013, 02:12 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-03-2013 02:13 PM by Tad Carlucci.)
RE: KittyCats & InWorldz?
While OpenSim grids are good for testing, there are a number of features which Second Life offers which OpenSim does not.
"Expanding" to another world is, effectively, especially for highly scripted objects communicating over the Internet, creating an entirely new product line, with separate code base, separate web servers, as so forth. Basically, one would need to double the technical and support staff simply to offer the same level of service.
In addition, there are a large number of alternative grids out there. The business models, when admitted to (which is actually rather rare); track records are all but non-existent. Proper due diligence before committing to the investment will often be problematic.
And the reason for doing all this? Because every time LL makes a change to the ToS there's a great hue and cry?
Sure, taken out of context, a lot of the changes over the years can seem frivolous. Has no one ever noticed that when corrections and clarifications appear, showing the changes really are not some nefarious plot by Linden Labs, the Chicken Littles on the Forums always seem to ignore them and continue to insist the sky is falling?
All in all, given the risks involved, as a serious businessman, I'd prefer the (probably non-existent) risk that Linden Labs would abscond with my intellectual property long before I'd prefer the (probably extremely high) risk that some johnny-come-lately, fly-by-night alternative grid would simply fold up shop and I'd lose my entire investment.
10-20-2013, 09:57 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-20-2013 10:04 PM by Raven Luna.)
RE: KittyCats & InWorldz?
(10-03-2013 02:12 PM)Tad Carlucci Wrote: All in all, given the risks involved, as a serious businessman, I'd prefer the (probably non-existent) risk that Linden Labs would abscond with my intellectual property long before I'd prefer the (probably extremely high) risk that some johnny-come-lately, fly-by-night alternative grid would simply fold up shop and I'd lose my entire investment.
That's too bad - although as a businesswoman, I completely understand risk. Word is that Linden Lab is using the new TOS to move and sell content in Desura, but I am sure the probability of LL actually acting upon their own TOS would be implausible. InWorldz has been around for quite a while now with an ever-increasing user base. Hardly fly-by-night or johnny-come-lately (maybe you haven't heard of it...) It is a pleasure to see many SL vendors in InWorldz and I'm sure the breedables market will make it there. As it is, I'm dumping most of my SL sims and will be buying 4 additional sims in InWorldz. Those of you already migrating there - it's a great place with great people. I hope to see KittyCatS there sometime in the future.
Sorry all - a correction to my previous post. I had totally forgotten - Amaretto breedable horses are already in InWorldz, so the breedable market has already crossed over from SL. My mistake...
10-21-2013, 05:50 AM
RE: KittyCats & InWorldz?
Thanks for your reply, Raven! I am in IW more and more lately and I love it, but would love it even more with my KittyCats. I have pictures of them up all over my house IW, lol.
I didn't know about Amaretto horses, thank you! I didn't know that they had made the leap to IW. Maybe I should look into that....they don't have the personality of KittyCats, but ponies are better than no pets at all.
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10-21-2013, 09:46 AM
RE: KittyCats & InWorldz?
From what I'm seeing, this cycle of hue and cry was brought about because Linden Labs is attempting to formulate a single ToS for all their services. So, it includes clauses which make sense only in one service, and other clauses which only make sense in another.
As for InWorldZ themselves, my main problem is they're running OpenSim. That means most of the newer features won't work, at all. It means some of the old features work, but have different quirks. I run OpenSim, myself. It's fine, for instance, for testing mesh. But I'm finding I have to make allowances for the scripts. Usually, I can get things to work by simply avoiding certain features. Sometimes, however, the differences are important and I'm having to have two code branches: one for Second Life and one for OpenSim.
Of course, I can't speak for KittyCatS! .. they'll make their own determination.
I, for one, don't see "18 years" as a lot of experience, especially when it's all technical, and no business management. I mean, come on! They don't even have a real-world address. Sure, it's an LLC. But anyone who looks will see that their address actually belongs to "UNITED STATES CORPORATION AGENTS, INC., 7014 13TH AVENUE, SUITE 202, BROOKLYN, NEW YORK, 11228." .. as best I can tell, that's the legally-required registered corporate agent used by Legal Zoom. Well, at least they give real-world names.
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