EDIT: Please see my post further down in this thread... I am sorry, but I have gotten ill and have to cancel
To celebrate KittyCatS' 2nd Anniversary, I'll host a special auction for "Vintage Kitties" only!
-And what is a Vintage Kitty? That is a kitty that has ORIGINAL furs, eyes & traits only!
For this one occasion, we want those Burmese Sables & White Russians you've been hiding away, thinking they'd never get appreciated - we want the Passion eyes and the Plush tails, the Mysterious ears - and not a whisker trait in sight!
(I allow white and/or mysterious whiskers, as those were added as hidden trait to all "original" kitties when the whisker-traits were first introduced - so it will have been extremely hard to continue breeding old cats without those popping up)
To help you out, I have added a * to all ORIGINAL traits in the Dominance-charts (link in my signature underneath if you don't have it).
As a little gimmick, I'll be reading out from my first auction cards - they're from May 2011, and oh my have we come a long way! You won't believe which cats sold for which prices, then! ;-)
THURSDAY the 7th of February - 2pm
(Or right after the KittyCatS Trivia ends - which starts at 1pm)
Dig out one of your old, under-appreciated old kitties and buy a panel by IM'ing me
- just one per person, thank you... We'll likely have more fun than earnings this evening - it is really all just for fun - and to celebrate TWO YEARS of KittyCatS breeding
Hope to see you there!
EDIT: Actually, panels will be sold by sending an IM to Saga Felix FOR THIS ONE TIME ONLY!
-It saves possible confusion if someone comes by and buys a panel, thinking it's a normal auction...