Under Tad's FAQ in the General Discussion section, he has quick links under the Tips section. I am pasting that part of his FAQ below. It allows you to check the short-term menagerie and long-term menagerie without the bottle. But you need the bottle to get the kitty back.
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Can I check my (short-term) Menagerie without a Magic Bottle?
Just as you can look at what is currently in your Cattery, you can see what you recently sent to the Menagerie; and could retrieve if you had used a Bottle, using the following link:
You will need to be already logged in to the KittyCatS! web site.
If you accidentally click on a cat, don't worry. Since you did not use a Bottle, it can not be retrieved from the Menagerie. Simply wait a moment, then refresh the page and the cat will re-appear.
Can I check my (long-term) Menagerie without a Miracle Menagerie Bottle?
Just as you can look at what is currently in your Cattery, you can see what you long ago sent to the Menagerie; and could retrieve if you had used a Bottle, using the following link:
You will need to be already logged in to the KittyCatS! web site.
If you accidentally click on a cat, don't worry. Since you did not use a Bottle, it can not be retrieved from the Menagerie. Simply wait a moment, then refresh the page and the cat will re-appear and does not count against your limit of 3.
Note that once you hit your limit of 3, you'll still see an error message.
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If you haven't checked out Tad's FAQ, I recommend doing so. it has a wide variety of stuff that might want to refer to now and again like these links.