Tonight, I had my last auction at Alley Cats, and it was interesting to say the least! SL ate an enormous amount of the kitten-boxes I had promised to put in the random prize giver, some were duplicated, the sim crashed twice and we had roll-backs both times, SL eating a few more kittens every time...!
The kittens had been on display on stage until an hour before the auction, when I put them into the prize giver. Shortly before auction start, first crash + roll back happened, and the auction was delayed 15 mins while I slooowly picked up and loaded them all again. 3 had already disappeared by them - 4 more went missing.
Then a bit into the auction, crash + roll back again! People couldn't buy the cats, winners didn't get their kittens, the raffle board went bananas, people's voice didn't work, chat lag was CRAZY, and I had to give up on the prize giver and simply use to determine winners of kittens...!
But....EVERYONE took it with high spirits and good mood!! <3 <3 <3
In the end, the auction lasted FOUR hours, and due to the roll-backs, I had to simply delete the raffle board and determine the winner based on my transaction history + use of (Pitsch Parx won! Grats, Pitsch!), but we all had a great evening, and I can't count the thank you's that I both gave and received during and after. A truly epic and awesome crowd for a troublesome, but also epic event. I can't remember SL being THIS buggy ever since early 2007! :O
I want to thank everyone that was there, but also the KittyCatS community in general - I can't imagine any other community taking stuff like this with such high spirits
![Smile Smile](
I sold and gave out a whole lot of great kitties tonight, and I had quite a few IM's from people being happy with the cats they either bought or won - and I feel all warm and fuzzy, 'cos that was the whole idea with this crazy thing... to make people happy. It seems it worked, despite SL's resistance, LOL!
To those who won kittens and have yet to receive them:
After a few re-logs, a lot of them ended up back in my inventory. Please send me an IM as soon as possible, and I will send them to you, again, also according to the list that Khea kept of winners & buyers. Friday morning I will leave for an extended weekend though - so if you do not get your kitten by then, it will take a few days - but do not worry, you WILL get them
![Smile Smile](
-And if they're gone completely, duplicated or if I made a mistake and gave out a duplicated kitten or two, I will STILL make sure to fix it - or give you a kitten if same kind and at least as good instead. -And meanwhile, I am ever so grateful for how well you all took all this today! Thank you, thank you, thank you <3
Liriel & Khea gets an extra hug & thanks, they were awesome help in trying to fight SL's bugs manually. Liriel patiently translated to text for everyone who could not get voice to work, and Khea kept a list of every sold and won kitty, ID-numbers included, in case we need to file tickets in the end. I don't know how I'd have gotten by tonight without you two <3
So, despite all - HUGE SUCCESS tonight, thanks to everyone in the crowd!
P.S. That being said - ALSO a grand thanks to KittyCatS, just because we know that when all else fails, we can file a ticket and get your help to find whatever kitten we lost or duplicated. Without that reassuring knowledge, we couldn't in any way have taken all this so nicely. Thanks!