Hi Rage,
Welcome to our KittyCatS community
If you try to find KittyCatS in SL's search engine you will find some listings of markets on which you can sure find your way.
You can also ask a CSR for a notecard with landmarks to the different markets and individual sellers.
There is an information location in The KittyCatS Mainstore where you can find all sorts of info's
here >
I would go for a Bengal Snow if I was you this is a fairly recessive cat yet normally reasonable priced.
The Balineses are pretty new and therefore still costy.
All depends on your budget ofcourse.
In this forum in the Market topic you can find some SLurls to secondary markets as well.
I hope this helped you a bit!
About the recessiveness of the different furs and traits I can recommend to visit Saga Felix's
Google Docs, with help of the community she gathers information here about the dominance order in relation to eachother.