Hello Nice to meet every one. I am new to the kitty cats and I have so much to learn if any one is willing to give me any tips that would be so help full thank you
(02-23-2018 07:49 PM)DreamOfEssence Resident Wrote: Hello Nice to meet every one. I am new to the kitty cats and I have so much to learn if any one is willing to give me any tips that would be so help full thank you
Hello Dream Welcome to KittyCats! There are some great resources listed here on the website, make yourself familiar with the Dominance Charts (kittycats are based on dominate vs recessive breeding), hit some auctions and ask questions. We are a pretty large community so dive in and have fun
Owner CatTales KittyCats Market
KittyCats Breeder and Auctioneer
Breed what you love and sell what you can bear to part with