RE: Will fancies ever be up for sale?
Lessee -- I'm estimating about 3,250 boxes produced per day (with a wide margin of error, perhaps +/-250).
Given the rate at which Charm is getting gems, I'll be generous and guess a gem appears, somewhere, about every other day.
Let's say they're evenly distributed by type (which seems unlikely, but is easy to work with), and let's assume all gems make it to a Single Gem Collector, for perfect Fancie production.
We'd expect to see a Fancie cat every 40 days .. call it "once a month".
That means we'd expect there's maybe as 5 or 6 breeding boxes and producing more gems at any given time; that's another 60 or so gems for, say 4 more.
So, I'd guess there's no more than a dozen breeding, today and, three, maybe four, dozen who've aged out and might be around somewhere.
But, of course, there's a lot of guess-work in that estimate.
So, since KittyCatS will never sell them, I'd suggest, for those already in existence, the answer to question "When will be see them for sale" is probably "Too late, they've already been sold to collectors" and, for those coming in the future it's "Keep a sharp eye out and you might find one, maybe two, for sale over the upcoming month." By extension, them, given the number of coats, if you're looking for a specific coat, you may have to wait several months, perhaps a year, to see it for sale (if you ever do).
Actually, I switched from "perfect" to "pessimistic" production between gems produced in normal breeding and those produced by the Fancies themselves. If I used perfect production throughout, production rates would have exploded and we'd see Fancie cats everywhere. So a pessimistic distribution/production model is more realistic. I might be a bit overly pessimistic .. but I doubt there are "several dozens" of Fancies out there currently breeding, so I doubt I'm wildly off the mark, but "a couple dozen" might be more like it. There simply isn't enough data out there to be very certain,