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??10 am Friday with NeckCadaver?Swanky?Ody Slush?Tapestry Royal?
03-01-2013, 11:06 AM
Post: #1
??10 am Friday with NeckCadaver?Swanky?Ody Slush?Tapestry Royal?
??10 am with NeckCadaver at Panthar's??
Already in our line up for this morning!
8T M Chat Tawny&White LIC!!
4T M Aby Cin Swanky and 2 Tone!
8T F Bengal Sorell Mint and Twinkle!
7T F Bengal Snow Ody Kal and Ody BooBoo!
6T M Foxie Auburn Purple Rain Big BooBoo and 2 tone PLUSH!
3T F Gen Dom III Ody Slush Big BooBoo and 2 Tone!
6T F Bengal Snow Prism Porcelain and shorty!!

Neck's Blue Plate Special: 5T Snowshoe Red F Tapestry Royal and 2 tone!

Join us at Panthar's for a wicked good time!
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