?? Too Adorable Auctions ??
*Thursday 16th 1PM w/ Ifoni*
*Line Up Includes*
? ? 5T Balinese Seal Lynx Rainbow Prism Rounded Ears
? ? 5T Aby Black Silver Odyssey Rainbow Soft Fold BLACK PLUSH Whiskers
? ? Siamese Flame ODY BOOBOO Ears
? ? Snowshoe Red FRAZZLED Whiskers
? ? Bengal Snow DIVINE Eyes
? ? 8T Russian White
? ? 7T Oci Cin Silver
Gawjus RedTabby GerberaOrange TWINKLE Curious Whiskers on the Raffle Board just 99L for your chance to win - Random Prize Giver!!!
*Saturday 19th 1PM w/ Ifoni*
Contact me for availablilty - It'sGonna be a BLAST!!!