special ear section in store:
Vampire (Vamp)
Odyssey No. 1 (Ody No. 1)
Odyssey No. 2
Pointed Soft Fold (PSF)
Soft Fold (SF)
Mysterious Odyssey Fold (MOF)
special eye section, in store:
Tapestry Royale
Odyssey Bellini
Strawberry Bellini
Peach Bellini
Royal Sapphire
Fancie Pink
Fancie Rose
Fancie Blue
Fancie Blue Diamond
Odyssey Kaleidoscope
Odyssey Fire & Rain
Odyssey Terra
Light Wash
Blush Quartz
Wild Cherry
Double Dip Flora
Gebera Purple
Gebera Blue
...and more in the various fur sections.
Come and visit me today, to see what I can help you find
Judy's 9T Kitten Store