An unpair button would be great! SL is every so slightly buggy and so every so often I wind up stuck in windows or clicking something i don't intend and it's just like $%#$%#$%#!!! Because it's usually like things are frustrating already and then the cats pair themselves or SL goes crazy and then I have to go pay for a break up drink to fix it.
I would say that in net cost it would make people happier with their Kittycats to have that flexibility, too. Especially for new people who maybe haven't figured out the interface, it's sad to see them feel so disheartened because they made what turned out to be a very costly mistake. I know it's certainly not intended to be punitive but it can feel that way when you really wanted to buy something else with those Ls
Also, like... I could see perma before 120 days being $$ but it would be nice if like some other breedables, after their breeding time is over they just autoperma'ed. Of course, my temple of Burmese would probably just go wildly out of control if that were to happen so maybe it's better for my prim count if it doesn't....