on behalf of my wife i'm posting the following offer to trade:
Wanted: female American Shorthair - Silver Tabby or silver/white tabby, with blue eyes and ... "nice parents", a non-genesis tail, and preferrably big pupils
Offer: the following male cat.
[14:20] KittyCats - Mister:
? Mister
? 0 days ? 0% ? 90%
? 33% ?? 1%
Fur: American Shorthair - Silver Tabby
Eyes: Genesis Meadow (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Plush
Ears: Genesis
Size: 11 cm (4.3 inch)
Version: 1.05
Owner: Moriko Inshan
ID: a72891c2-56f1-3dcb-d03c-ab0b7e72a440
MOM: Milky
Fur: Chateau Cat - Black & White No. 1
Eyes: Forest (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Plush
Ears: Genesis
DAD: Sabastian
Fur: American Shorthair - Silver Tabby
Eyes: Genesis Meadow (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Genesis
Ears: Genesis