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I NEED a Boxed Bigger de Big Citrus Blossom Male! - Printable Version

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I NEED a Boxed Bigger de Big Citrus Blossom Male! - Debil Skute - 04-18-2013 08:18 PM

I'm looking for a Boxed Bigger de Big Male Citrus Blossom.

What I have to trade (all boxed)...
Scrambled EggS! - Omelette
Wild FlowerS! - Pink Petal
Wild FlowerS! - Vivid Violet - Petite
Wild FlowerS! - Citrus Blossom - Petite

Plus multiples of all the other Easter furs.

Male & Female Sunnyside Up
Male & Female Citrus Blossom
Male Quiche
Female Florentine

He will not be resold, my bigger girl desperately needs a boyfriend! IM me or drop me a notecard in world or leave a message here.
(I may be able to throw a few L$'s in too, but nothing too crazy Tongue)

Thanks Much,
Debil Skute Big Grin

P.S. Also looking for a Boxed Megapuss Male Scrambled EggS! - any color (not the Deviled).

RE: Looking for Boxed Bigger de Big and/or Megapuss Easter Kitties - Debil Skute - 04-22-2013 10:13 AM

Still looking =)

RE: Looking for Boxed Bigger de Big Citrus Blossom Male!! - Debil Skute - 04-30-2013 08:43 AM

Yup.. still looking! Really would love to have the male citrus blossom, my girly needs a boyfriend. Blush

RE: I NEED a Boxed Bigger de Big Citrus Blossom Male! - Debil Skute - 05-04-2013 07:27 PM

Haven't found him yet Sad

RE: I NEED a Boxed Bigger de Big Citrus Blossom Male! - Debil Skute - 05-13-2013 09:00 AM

Haven't found him yet...