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Bengals-Tawny in Porcelain 8T ...wild eyes ggrrr^^ - Printable Version

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Bengals-Tawny in Porcelain 8T ...wild eyes ggrrr^^ - Mandred Blackadder - 12-19-2012 07:55 AM

8TGggrrs wild eyes^^ Pedigree

8T Odyss Rainbow-Porcelain-Perfect Black W.^^Pedigree


They hidde more, for the moment show me in his others brothers
W: Plush, Boo Boo ears, morning Dew mmhhhh,
I am sure that can give more ,
his big big grandfather is awesome starter,
I feel curios with all secrets that him hide :-D

? Imhotep^^
? 70

Mummy Mia! - Moldie Oldie
Fur: Genesis - Smokey II
Eyes: Genesis Earth (Curious|Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Genesis
Ears: Genesis
Whiskers: Silver (Guitar)
Size: Normal
Owner: Mandred Blackadder
ID: 73e8abe6-9f0e-84ba-024f-d13f2dcb5380