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Pictures of huts 9 (Julianadunny1) & 10 (China Falmer) and 2 more gifts - Printable Version

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Pictures of huts 9 (Julianadunny1) & 10 (China Falmer) and 2 more gifts - Kayla Woodrunner - 12-27-2023 02:30 AM

KC Crafty Xmas Community Tree and Decorations Landmark
(free Xmas cats are here now)

Hut 9 by Julianadunny1

[Image: 0ee1af59c7c205ef782d597f02ed913f.jpg]

Hut 10 by China Falmer
Snowball fight between Kittycats and Mice. And the winner is ....

[Image: df35036332a6dfc6150061805ef0f242.jpg]

2 more gifts from the middle xmas tree

Gift from LatinoHeat Customs

Kittycats Christmas Tree Community Championship belt, both a wearable one and a decor. This one is the decor.

[Image: d9a078b246eabb54c38b1f279a9326bb.jpg]

Gift from Meowgical

Santa pet bed

[Image: 0c4f2b1f9db629c24796f2415aaf57c3.jpg]