KittyCatS! Community Forum
Name Your Price - I WANT THESE COLLECTION CATS! - Printable Version

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Name Your Price - I WANT THESE COLLECTION CATS! - Kash Primdashian - 11-02-2022 02:39 PM

Name Your Price - This Is My All-Time Wants List!Heart

MateyCatS - Cap'n Fantastic - MegaPuss
cRaZy lOVe - ANY COLOR - MegaPuss
Under The Sea - Lucky Lobster OR LuckyLady Lobster - Hubba Tubba OR MegaPuss
SweetCatS 2 - OXOX Boy OR Girl - Hubba Tubba OR MegaPuss
SpookyMateS! - RainbowSeaS! Boy OR Girl - MegaPuss
Fancie Cat - ANY COLOR - MegaPuss or Hubba Tubba
Abracadabra - Rainbow Moon Wizard - MegaPuss

Drop me a NOTECARD - as IMs can get eaten. My username in-world is: KashKave Resident

Thank you very very much - Be well! Heart Big Grin


RE: Name Your Price - I WANT THESE COLLECTION CATS! - Kash Primdashian - 11-22-2022 10:45 AM

Giving this a little bump. If you have ANY of these specific cats and are interested in selling, please send me an IM/Notecard. I am open to paying what you ask for these cats, as I know that they aren't all that common. Heart

RE: Name Your Price - I WANT THESE COLLECTION CATS! - Kash Primdashian - 12-21-2022 09:57 AM

Bumping incase anyone wants to make some extra $$$ for the holidays and has one of these beauties!