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TWO Caramels and Equine Ears Up! - Printable Version

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TWO Caramels and Equine Ears Up! - AsakoBadra Resident - 05-03-2017 10:36 PM

Cosmic Cats Thursdays 8:30p SLT with Talon
This Auction has 10 plus Panels!

8T M Russian Black w/ Equine Ears
9T+1 M American Shorthair Red Tabby w/ Wild Cherry Perfect Eyes TOY
8T M Bengal Black w/ Black Mysterious Whiskers
9T F Toyger Tan w/ Grotto Perfect Eyes
8T F Burmilla Blue with Soft Curl Ears
9+1T F Pandie Flame w/ Latte Fussy Whiskers BdB
7T M Toyger Caramel w/ Fluffy Tail
7T F Toyger Caramel w/ Galaxy Nebula Perfect Eyes
2+1T M Pandie Ebony Ivory w/ Soul Whisper Eyes TEACUP

Raffle Cat 69L to Enter
8T M Foxie Chestnut w/ Scotty Fold Ears
