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BloggiN the Gifts #9 - ScratchN, GiviNg ThaNks! - Printable Version

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BloggiN the Gifts #9 - ScratchN, GiviNg ThaNks! - Talitha Midal - 11-03-2015 11:07 AM

GiviNg ThaNks to Winter Gravois of Winterwood, one of the 26 creators taking part in our ScratchN, GiviNg ThaNks! HuNt. Take a peek at our blog to check out her stunning gifts to you, for both men and women!

*~~ ScratchN, GiviNg ThaNks! HuNt ~~*
*~~ Sun 1st Nov - Mon 30th Nov ~~*

Colourful THANK YOU word blocks have been hidden across our three beautifully landscaped sims. You will find our HuNt HiNts inside the posters at our landing points, as well as on our HuNt webpage >>>

Get ready!

Hunt MaNager: Talitha Midal