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Almost Got Breeding (Long Post) - Printable Version

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Almost Got Breeding (Long Post) - Pancake Littlepaws - 10-22-2015 11:38 PM

Ok I think I almost have down this breeding thing thanks to the wonderful people of kitty cats! This community is beyond helpful I love it. I Have asked questions here and in the kitty. I have been to a class lead by Ruby and Lickn Wonder. I have also read thought the following blog! . I have some questions but first let me make sure I understand what I am talking about!.

I going to use the following Kitty and Pedigree [Image: e2b92c19fd9aed94760d6eab5066e951.png]

1st things first that Kitty I created the Vampire Moo Kitty is 7 Traits
2nd thing we can see is I missed up Instead of Breeding the fur to a more dominate fur I bred it to a more recessive fur. Meaning that at some point going to end up with pink vampire kittens!.

To correct the breeding I need to ideally find a kitty with a more dominate fur preferably something between Blue Tabby - Chateau 3 Spot No. 1 (Retired) . Which if my understanding is correct will make my Chateau Black & White No. 1 more hardy and more intact then then the current Chateau Pink & White No. 1.

Question assuming the above is correct. I want to keep the ears that I breed on the kitty. Does that mean I need to try and find a Blue Tabby - Chateau 3 Spot No. 1 with the following ears Rounded -Mysterious? or what would be the best way to tackle that?

I noticed also that the kitty is hiding my preferred whisker color. The black ((Least we could assume its black or better)) what advice would be given to pull that out. Is it better to attack one trait at a time or try to find the perfect kitty or.

Then my final question for this is like the tail I still hadn't decided on a tail Ideally it would be a wild tail but thats sadly most likely not going to happen. The next tail I look at is Fussy what would be the best way to introduce a new trait that's not even showing up on the cat.

One more question then I really am finished. Once I do get my traits set. I am assuming its best to bred a pair of these kittens showing the traits I desire. Then Start breeding them together. There off spring being the completed project?
One more question... I really swear this time. In that pedigree you notice that both cats are showing big pupils we know that big pupils are most dominate. Does this mean from the pedigree chart listed The cat has a chance of never being able to get the more recessive Small Pupil?

RE: Almost Got Breeding (Long Post) - Kayleigh McMillan - 10-23-2015 11:11 AM

Sometimes we can find the ideal cat to make all desired traits stronger at once or as much as possible.
I would work with a kitty you know it's hiddens from basically a cat you know or bred yourself or from a good friend who knows his/ her kitties well.
You may find an ideal kitty but it could contain all sorts of unwanted and recessive hiddens which may pass instead.
Indeed if you'd like to push away the chateau pink you can do this by using a more dominant fur than chateau pink and more recessive than the Moo Kitty.
What you would expect from their offsprings is that the moo kitty shows.

To catch the black whiskers you can use 2 tone to see if black came through.
If their OS-ers do not show white as moo is showing but 2 tone you know this is only possible if black has passed as their hidden whisker color.
Assuming black is what is hiding and not a more recessive.
The grandma Jewel allowed Black Whiskers to pass the question is what does she hide hopefully for you Black whiskers.
So you can also go for a cat with black whiskers shown.

To keep the vampire ears you could use indeed more dominant ears than soft curl or "better" to push that hidden more recessive away but where you are at now less dominant than Vampire so you can see when Vampire has passed and not Soft Curl or "better".
You'd expect from their OS to show the Vampire ears.
There is an extra hickup the very dominant passion eyes from which I assume you want to keep.
Grotto from dad is very recessive so I'd want to tackle that.
You'll need very dominant eyes to make sure the passion eyes remain to be there from their OS-ers you'd expect to see the passion eyes so the eyes would preferable be dominant but recessive to Passion.
From the OS-ers you would expect to see passion.

I think to make all changes you wish to this Moo you need mutiple breeding programs focused on eyes ears fur and whatnot.
Unless you have a qualified kitty you know inside out and which can do the job.
Ultimately you can make sure your Moo becomes a 9T but I'd say don't ask too much from them at the same time.
As for the pupil: from what I see in the pedigree I only see a big pupil.
It isn't to say that somewhere hidden may not be a small pupil this is very possible but for now lets assume you need to breed that in later on.
As for the tail goes yes the wild tail is new so you would work with a cat you just purchased from which you don't know it's history very well.
Maybe adding that tail can be the cherry on the cake in later instance when the trait costs less and you are able to find it on a fairly dominant kitty.
The furs you suggested to work with are very good dominant furs the only problem I see is that they are more dominant than Moo so for you there is no way to tell if Moo's fur passed on their OS-ers or the Pink+
So I'd go for an as qualified as possible cat with slightly more recessive traits than your desired traits so you can at least see if you are on track and if traits passed.
It would be wonderfull ofcourse if the kitty you are to work with has a small pupil and the traits you miss currently in the Moo.
Just so when you breed their OS-ers there are no inconvenient surprises and perhaps even 9T's.
The thirth generation is the generation in which you usually see if your plan comes together.

Good luck! Smile

Edit Because it is the Halloween season you probably can find a black Russian (more recessive than moo) with Vampire Ears and Passion Eyes.
Breeding moo with such kitty makes the chances higher a lot of the by you desired traits pass.
Via this way you can slowly work towards your ultimate goal.
It would be awasome if that Black Russian had the desired Black Whiskers as well.
And preferable 9 traits.

RE: Almost Got Breeding (Long Post) - Pancake Littlepaws - 10-24-2015 05:46 PM

I want to start by saying I am sorry it's taken so long for me to message back and reply to this thread. I been thinking and mauling things overs how I want to continue in kitty cats. Do I want to continue in Kitty cats. I was a little disheartened to learn that my plains where on the right track but not very solid. It seems like there is a lot of variables and breaking into kitty cats can be a extremely difficult task. I am left with I really enjoy the system and am a little frustrated by it still not sure what I will be doing next. I might clear out my entire cattery and just start from scratch. I bought cats that where cheap and with little thought to things other then what they showed. Which seems to be the worse possible way to handle things in the kittycat universe.

RE: Almost Got Breeding (Long Post) - Tad Carlucci - 10-25-2015 07:38 AM

When faced with a mediocre cattery, one option certainly is to 'start over' .. but that can be expensive.

I'd suggest having less of a plan. Or, rather, taking a long view. Take your cats and line them up, males and females. When you're done you want to have exactly one more of one gender than the other. Let them breed willy-nilly. What will happen is the highest-love pairs will make a box, working down the line, over the next week. The following week, since there is ONE MORE of one gender, it will be at 100% long before anyone else so, as soon as last weeks first-producers reach 100%, it will (almost certainly) replace the mate, leaving it to go with the next pair. Over the course of the week, you'll find that most, of not all, pairs have changed partners. Once, again, at the end of the week, you'll have one cat left over. The process will repeat week after week, slowly working through all possible pairs; until your cats age out.

As they approach 121 days, go out on the market and pick up 'better' cats. But some of your boxes will actually be 'better' than the parents .. you can cycle them in, as needed. Keep with the one-more approach for a couple months. In two or three months you'll have a pile of boxes which are not-so mediocre as their parents, and a larger pile of 'yuck' boxes. Send the 'yuck' boxes in to the Menagerie, along with all aged-out parents. Use the proceeds to get more collection cats (you'll be looking at the Christmas and Easter collections), so you'll be picking up new collectible starters, or use the proceeds to help defray your expenses by purchasing food.

Meanwhile, as you cycle in 'better' parents, you can slowly remove pairs from the cycling pile, beginning to line-breed to pull out traits.

If you keep at it, by next year, you'll should have a very good cattery, with a nice smattering of collectible starters and their offspring, and a few lines of 'better' cats you're intentionally working.

RE: Almost Got Breeding (Long Post) - Ivy Norsk - 10-25-2015 10:03 AM

Tad, I had never thought of that method - it's kind of fun and low-stress.

Jennifer, I'm sorry you are feeling disheartened. But there are so many ways to be and participate in KittyCatS and all of them are fine. A lot of people just enjoy the cuteness of it all. No bad cats. But, it does sound like you are interested in really learning the ins and outs of how the breeding really works. It is perfectly fine and probably a good idea to start learning these things on cheap cats. I did. I started out by deciding that I wouldn't worry about shade, which enabled me, with my budget to purchase some pretty 7T cats, and I did that for awhile. None of my kittens sold. I menageried all of those boxes eventually. (I kept the parents as pets.) At a certain point in time, I realized that I was dwelling in the mediocre and I needed to up my game.

But, understand, even at that point, and still, I get to decide what I'm aiming for and what that "game" is. For some people it really is about breeding the most recessive of everything. But aiming for a specific project cat - that looks exactly the way you want it - is an exercise in breeding finesse also. Working with the LEs that come out and traiting them up is also a way of getting a handle on how to breed.

This point is a good point to review your budget and how much money you want to put into the hobby (considering that most kitten boxes don't sell). Then decide how many cats you would want to devote to exploring the LE Collector cats like the Halloween ones, or the coming Winter cats. Think about a project you would want to do - like continuing the one above. Also, a word about auctions: people often do offer their very best cats up for auction. They may seem expensive at first glance, but if you buy - say 2 - very highly traited cats that you love, and then breed them around your Cattery, it can save you months of struggling to trait up mediocre cats.

Good luck. Many many breeders in the community are willing and happy to help you with breeding questions if you need it.

RE: Almost Got Breeding (Long Post) - Pancake Littlepaws - 10-25-2015 11:54 PM

Thank you both... yes I think the above idea's really give me some hope and will help me least learn the ropes of breeding. I really think what I wanted was far to much for a newbie like me to accomplish with out buying almost finished cats. I think I spend more time at the auctions soaking up as much information as I can. Also checking out different breeders so when it is time in a few months to move on with what ever I decide I am ready. it will also give time for some of the traits I want to become more integrated into the system ((Such as wild tail. I really want that for moo Kitties which are honestly. My favorite kitties)). I am going to spread my kitty's around my cattery let them just bred until time runs out then go from there. Obviously I keep some of them for perm petting. I have manged to pick up a few mega's which I love. I think I just let everything get to me and pressured my self to become a elite. I am not sure what I been a elite of since I had no obvious direction. I Know my direction now thought is to create kitties I personally enjoy and others can enjoy. I mean they might not have the most recessive traits that's ok.

Thanks everyone for all this help. ^_^ this community really is one of the best in SL.