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Matching sleep cycles? - Printable Version

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Matching sleep cycles? - Trifina Resident - 01-02-2014 01:42 AM

I have two KittyCats, and one is sleeping while the other is awake. For some, this might seem an ideal situation, but I think it's cute to see them sleeping together and playing together out in the yard. So....

Is there away to delay one cat's sleep cycle so they match up? A perfect match isn't needed, but just closer would be nice.

Thanks in advance, and Happy New Year, everyone!

RE: Matching sleep cycles? - anna Acanthus - 01-02-2014 06:28 AM

Hi Trifina Smile

Your easiest solution in fact is to just wake up the one that is sleeping when the two kitties show the same energy level .
In this way they will continue to lose energy at the same rate and will then sleep at the same time once they are down to 0% .

Happy New Year to you too Smile

RE: Matching sleep cycles? - Trifina Resident - 01-02-2014 09:10 AM

Oh. Duh. Blush

Thanks so much, Anna.